More pics from Father Tiger sessions at OFR studios 
Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 03:06 PM
Posted by Administrator

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Vintage Synth Heaven 
Friday, April 23, 2010, 02:57 PM
Posted by Administrator
So not since my Chung King days back in New York have I made a record with absolutely no guitars. I loved the challenge, but even more so I loved the songs that these guys had. Here are some pictures of Greg and John from Father Tiger. I also got to work with one of the best drummers I know on this recording and it is always amazing to watch someone as great as Roy Mayorga rock the drums and syncussion pads. A live drummer playing analog synth pads live! Good times in the studio.

Anyway here are some pictures of the recording at vintage keyboard guru/author/musician/studio owner/Nitro uber-fan Brian Kehew's place.

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Wookie the cat that lives next door at Seedy Underbelly 
Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 02:49 PM
Posted by Administrator

We call this cat Wookie, but have no idea what his or her real name is. The cat belongs to one of the studio's neighbors but seems to love hanging around recording studios. An extremely friendly and extremely chill cat that looks great in a photo.
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Buckcherry Timebomb 
Saturday, October 17, 2009, 09:14 PM
Posted by Administrator
I recently was contacted by a guy named David Smith that had to write a paper about a well recorded record and he chose Buckcherry's Timebomb. He asked me how the record was recorded which jogged my memory.

I thought I may as well repost it here if anyone is interested.

We recorded to BASF 900 tape to a Studer 800 machine at Sunset Sound Studio 3 on their custom Demideo console. The tape machine had 16 track headstacks on it and we were running it at 15 ips with no noise reduction.

The kick drum mic was an altec salt shaker mic, the snare had a 57and an electrovoice 666 mic on it. 421's on both toms, km84 on the hi-hat, the overheads were two u67's.The room mics were sony c37a's. The guitars were 57's and 421's plus some old funky mic that Jason Corsaro found in the Sunset mic locker and wanted to use (pretty sure it was a ancient ribbon mic)

The assistant was Geoff Walcha, the tracking engineer was Jason Corsaro and I engineered all of the overdubs, though Jason wasn't there for 'slit my wrists' or 'Slammin' both of which were engineered by me and assisted by Geoff. At the end of the record Geoff said he was going to quit the music industry as he couldn't get a break so I gave him an engineering credit to help him out. He ended up staying and not going back to school (not sure if he wants to thank me about that now with the state the industry is in these days)

For amps we used mainly some Marshalls that Keith and Yogi owned and a Soldano SL100 and a Burman amp both of which are mine. There were a ton of other amps around as both Keith and myself are avid amp collectors. Yogi also had a Gibson and and Fender amp that may have been a protoytpe that may have made it onto a few tracks.

The guitars used were mainly Les Pauls, a couple of Telecasters and the occasional Gretsch. Bass was tracked through two SVT's one set for a clean tone one distorted, we may have also thrown an old Ampeg B15 into the room too for flavor. The bass was a 52 or 53 p-bass that JB owned that sounded amazing.

Vocals were cut using a fet47 running through two compressors and two eq's. The voacl sound was definitely a Jason Corsaro call and I would probably have to ask Geoff if he still has his recall notes from the session before I could accurately state what the exact set-up was.

The tracking was really fun and everybody got along really well. I still talk to all the guys and am really happy they are doing so well now. One thing I do remember was that one day while we were tracking overdubs a car hit the light post outside on Sunset Blvd and took out all the power on the block. Luckily we were tracking to a Studer and not a computer, so we didn't lose anything.
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The Next 
Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 06:38 AM
Posted by Administrator
Just spent two days writing songs with a cool young band from Australia called the Next. The sessions were in my friend Roy (Stone Sour/Amebix etc) Mayorga's studio in North Hollywood. There were three band members (the Singer and the two guitarists) plus Roy and myself there and we had a blast hanging out and getting creative. Greg the singer shocked me by playing some seriously ripping piano and admitting to a background of classical and jazz piano lessons from an early age. He also played a pretty mean bass and could hit some really high notes when necessary.
We tracked two songs at Roy's and he ended up playing drums on them as their drummer hadn't been able to make it out for the sessions.

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